Among the many types of insurance are already familiar apart is the insurance of financial risks in the joint construction of real estate. This insurance service is not to be sniffed at Sharers: who is planning or already involved in any transaction, the equity build apartments.The essence of insurance Fin. risks of real estate investors - a guarantee of return on investment in the share construction money if the interest holders will not receive on time the housing under construction in the property.
The policyholder may only serve the interest holders, that is, the one who put the money under the contract of equity participation (POs). The sum insured (ie the limit of liability of the insurance company) is usually the price of the apartment on the PO. You can hedge their financial risks in the joint construction and a smaller amount, but certainly not a larger one.
Insurance is not only subject to the risks of apartments purchased under agreements equity.Now part of the residential units sold developer for alternative schemes. Organized the construction of housing cooperatives (HBC) and conclude contracts with equity-holders to join the HBC and payment of a contribution (usually share contribution equal to the price the apartment). In some places, still caught preliminary contracts for the sale of apartments, although they are not recognized as legitimate. Also found an investment agreement to raise funds in residential construction.
Financial risks can also be insured and per shareholders and Preliminary buyers and investors, not only at official registered with the Fed Sharers.
However, it should make some reservation. This type of insurance - a rarity in the market. An extremely small number of insurance companies that have it in their repertoire. And of those who have the rules of this type of insurance, just a few use them. And each of these insurers do their reservations and restrictions in this form of insurance. We will make a brief digest of the proposed insurance products in the field of financial risk insurance Sharers.
Two major insurance company for a long time practicing insurance of financial risks in the joint construction of real estate: "Yugoria" and "Spassky Gate."The peculiarity of the insurance product IG "Spassky Gate" is that they take risks as risks for POs that are made pursuant to the Federal Law № 214 "On the equity participation in the construction."
"Yugoria" very cautiously accepts the insurance risks of objects in the low stages of readiness. However, the form of the agreement with the developer of the interest holders for her principal, if not contrary to applicable law.There are several smaller Insurers such as "Capital-polis" and "Capital reserve", also has a similar insurance products.
Regarding the procedure of insurance and insurance risks, they have all the insurance companies about the same. And we will tell about it in the second part of our article on insurance risk in the joint construction.
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