This article is intended to be a kind of brief manual on comprehensive insurance. It details the actions identified by applying to any car owner, he's insurer will be able to competently and efficiently to insure your car. Often, the lack of knowledge of basic insurance terms or excessive confidence in their insurance agents can make you a victim of accidental or deliberate errors. The errors in the insurance, especially in the CASCO, sometimes are very expensive to insure.
So, here it is - the algorithm of CASCO insurance:
Step 1. Remove about a dozen insurance companies for quotes their risk in them. General criteria for the selection of potential Insurers are:
Rating, reliability and solidity of the company (rating can be found on the Internet, the same consumer opinions about the insurance company determine the reliability of financial records, often posted on the website of the Insurer);
The system of payments: the presence of a specialized department of payments, the schedule of their work, feedback about the service of clients served (on the Internet).
Step 2. Prepare the following information about the car that you want to insure:
Make, model;
Year of manufacture;
Look at the sites the average market price of the same exact car, in such a configuration and a similar condition;
Mileage (in thousands of km);
Auto loan or not, and if so - in which bank credit is taken (at the same time, compare your list of selected insurance companies with a list of accredited by the bank of Insurers);
Trim the car (engine size, body type, engine capacity);
The composition of the drivers (gender, age, driving experience (years));
Is the car under warranty or not;
Was previously CASCO insurance policy on this car, and if so, to what insurance and whether the losses on the hull insurance policy;
Do you plan to pay insurance lump sum or in installments;
Whether the vehicle is kept at night in the street, or under any security protection (paid parking, garage, parking);
Which car is equipped with anti-theft means (the exact name, model);
Keys from the car and the number of signal transmitters;
Are there any existing insurance and public companies (then you can expect a discount on comprehensive insurance with the same company).
Step 3. We prepare photocopies and scans documents in order to align your car and then insure it:
TCP on both sides;
The certificate of registration from the two parties;
The contract of sale vehicle (vehicle) - for a new car;
The loan agreement - for car loan;
Insured's passport (page with photo, a page with a registration and, for VSC page to marital status);
The passport of the owner (if it is not the Insured, as, for example, his wife) - the same page, except for marital status;
General power of attorney to manage and car insurance (if you do not insure its owner);
Driving licenses of all authorized management
Marriage certificate (if any) of all drivers (if you quote a and insure in RCS);
Contracts, certificates and other documents regarding the installation of alarm systems on the car;
Last year's hull insurance policy.
Step 4. On the basis of the information provided and documents, find out the cost of the policy of insurance CASCO insurance companies selected by us. To speed up the process, you can go to an insurance broker who will do it for us. But in this case we do not guarantee the absence of errors in the calculations, procedures, or the design of insurance documents. Because optimally apply directly to the departments in selected CASCO insurance companies like to know the price of the policy, and in order to insure your car.
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