On November 4, 2012 an amendment to the legislation of Ukraine, which regulates the relations of insurance companies and their customers. It is important to know some details.
1. An insurer that sells policies of automobile liability insurance is required to be a member of the Motor (Transport) Insurance Bureau of Ukraine (check membership on the company can be http://www.mtsbu.kiev.ua). There also is evidence of the reliability and insurance companies.
2. Dimensions of automobile liability insurance rates (compulsory civil liability insurance policy - compulsory insurance of civil liability) should be the same for all companies - the law clearly states that the criteria for determining the price of the policy should not be different. That is, if the insurance company offers or what dopskidku on autocitizen (except as provided by law for the driving experience), this should raise suspicion.
3. The size of the sum insured for damage to the property of the victims is 50 thousand hryvnia per victim. The size of the sum insured for damage to the life and health of the victims, is 100 thousand hryvnia for each victim.
4. If you change the owner of the insured vehicle (for example, when you sell auto) insurance contract remains in force until it expires - the rights and obligations of the insured transferred to the new owner.
5. The car is considered to be physically destroyed if its repair is technically impossible or economically unreasonable (if the price of repairs exceeds the market value of the car). Define that independent experts.
6. There was a clarity to the size of payments for non-pecuniary damage. Spelled out the minimum amount of payment for the treatment, which is 1/30 of the size minzarplaty (or 37 USD.) For each treatment day for 120 days. This minimum insurer is obliged to compensate the victim, even in the absence of documents confirming the costs of treatment, diagnosis, purchase of medicines. Prior to this moral hazard had to prove - a long and complicated procedure
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