CTP policy must be in possession as required by law. In addition, it ensures that the insurance company reimburses the victim damages you, if any, will occur. Consequently, the need to buy liability insurance policy tool.
As you know, every thing has its price, and in CTP policy is established by the Government of the Russian Federation. How is it possible and how not to save on the insurance policy?
You can: the policy cost the sum of the base tariff rates, the regional factor, the coefficient of age and seniority, power factor and short-term insurance, term insurance if less than one year (six months, three months, etc.). These coefficients are fixed, numerical maneuvering they are not exposed. It remains to bonus-malus coefficient that takes into account your trouble-free experience. For each accident-free year you are entitled to a discount of 5%. The maximum possible discount at the moment (from July 1, 2010) is 35% with 7 or more years of accident-free record. It seems to be linearly simple: look seniority rights, he saw there experience the value of 7 years and immediately made a maximum discount of 35%. In fact, the vast majority of insurance agents and brokers and does, ie offers discounts on the basis of seniority on a driver's license. Leaders of insurance brokers and agents, in principle, and teaches its employees. The reason for this is the large number of brokers and agencies, among them a lot of competition when the lure is possible only at the expense of the customer, because the insurance product is identical. Client few people wondered if he had emergency cases due to his fault, how much to pay for a previous insurance (as it is possible to make a discount of 5%), is generally complete the transaction on the nominal length of service.
How can this be bad? First, trouble-free experience must be documented. It can confirm the previous CTP policy. Nominal length of service and may be more than 10 years, but here is a man for the first time bought a car and wanted to buy liability insurance policy tool. Most agents and brokers immediately give him a discount of 35%. But CTP policy is purchased for the first time! Discount given for accident-free driving, not the nominal length of service for a driver's license! If the person did not drive a car before, then where did he get trouble-free experience? Thus, the insurer creates an understatement of the insurance premium. Polis insurance company will miss from time to time, ie before the first insurance case your fault. Here, the insured risk, that at this point the insurance company and find underreporting premiums, which could very likely result in a denial of the insurance claim. In other words, paid for the damage will be done to you out of your pocket.
How can the insurance company finds an understatement insurance premium? When the agent fills in your insurance policy and a receipt, complete them is a statement about the insurance of the vehicle. The idea is that the document must be filled with you. So, in this document fits into the number of your previous CTP policy, the number of insurance claims for the year, and on this basis, given the class of the insured. Quite often, this document is filled in the office for the client (so it does not take the time).
This fruit is not only fierce competition, an argument which is the price. Many customers have written offers callers employees of insurance brokers and insurance agents and choose from all the proposals with the lowest price. Convince this client is already very difficult: he had already heard a proposal for a lower price and "pay" does not want to. In addition, the agents-beginners do not even know that the offer is invalid document: they were taught, to put customers on a stream, and then what will come out - minor matters.
In this situation it is not necessary to provoke the agent to provide the maximum discount: most agents will provide it without even knowing that you can not do that. It is necessary to explain the agent about the presence or absence of insurance claims, and as a guide to name the price of previous policy, which can get a discount of 5%. Believe me, this is not the product where necessary to save "save" 500-1000 rubles, you run the risk of his own pocket to pay for the damage done to you. Do you need such "savings"? The choice is yours.
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