
Insurance broker - pick what you need or what you need him?

We have found that not all organizations that call themselves "insurance broker", in fact those are. We also learned the benefits of a licensed insurance broker to the unlicensed. Now let's talk about what the person for us as a customer can be dangerous unlicensed, ie illegal, the insurance broker. And also, why insure your car or apartment safer directly to the insurance company.

Insurance broker: "Where the money?"

The most common disaster that can befall an illegal insurance broker, is the question of money. Namely, the insurance money Clients too often do not reach the ticket office of the insurance company. And unlicensed insurance broker is responsible only for its share capital (as a rule, no more than 10,000 rubles). Moreover, assigning the client's money, the insurance broker does not leave for permanent residence in London - not the scale - and quietly change the sign and opens a new insurance office.

You may ask, what happens to the clients whose money did not reach the insurance company? Them that - you need to re-insure your car? No, of course not. By law, if you are holding a policy with a stamp and a receipt of his payment, you - the full client of the insurance company. Well, almost a full. In any case, to refuse payment on the insurance case you do not have rights. Though, to be honest, to pay for such a policy will have to be overcome. However, if you need to cancel this insurance (sold your car, for example), then the remainder of the premium you can not see.

Insurance broker: "Yes normal insurance - giving tooth!"

For example, suppose your insurance broker is illegal, but not criminal. And your money for insurance neat passes to the insurance company. But there is another serious risk.

You are targeting a broker opinion, choosing which insurance company to insure their property and cars. And insurance broker focused on the amount of interest on your insurance, which is his only source of income. And so, what the insurance company will give more interest to the policy, and that is in his eyes - the best.

That is, one phrase: insurance broker, first of all, take care of their financial interests and not be liable to you real responsibility for their advice and recommendations.

Insurance broker: "insure sophisticated risk - legkotnya!"

Another snag for the insurance broker may be a need to insure complex risks. Mortgage insurance, voluntary medical insurance, financial risks Sharers - leading insurance broker to a screeching halt. There is a lack of competent staff - cute girl trained to prescribe only CTP. There is a lack of information and documentation from the insurance companies - Customer forced to wait weeks for a "matching" and "necessary forms."

Question: why do this to you? When you come to the office of the insurance company and then insure all desired exactly half an hour of his time.

Insurance broker: Is the same absolute evil?

Licensed Insurance Broker - certainly has some benefit customers. For example, you need to enter in the CTP of the new driver, and go to the office of the insurance company laziness. You can contact your local insurance broker, and they can help you.

However, if you need to insure anything serious CTP, we urge you to contact the professionals responsible for their words and deeds - the insurance company.

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